Men's Clinic at
Restorative Health

Use These Links to Schedule Your Men's Clinic Consultation

Thousands of men turn to Restorative Health Men’s Clinic every year for testosterone replacement therapy, erectile dysfunction treatment, and medically assisted weight loss.  Men turn to the experts at Restorative Health to find real solutions to issues with sexual health and well-being.  

Our care team is dedicated to delivering compassionate, professional, and confidential treatment.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Low Testosterone is a condition that impacts as many as 1-in-3 men ages 40-79.  You aren’t alone in dealing with the common symptoms of low-t.  Having testosterone levels decline can seriously decrease your quality of life. 

We take these issues seriously – because we know how important they are.

Common symptoms of low testosterone can include: low-energy; brain fog; weight gain; joint pain; low libido; decreased tolerance for physical activity and many more. 

If that sounds like you, we strongly encourage you to schedule a hormone consultation. 

Our experts will help you start your hormone replacement journey

Hormone Doctor Consultation

Erectile Dysfunction Treatments

Our Board Certified providers are dedicated to providing effective treatment methods for erectile dysfunction.  We start by properly diagnosing the cause of erectile dysfunction –– not just treating the symptom. 

We will help you understand why you may be experiencing decreased strength, frequency, and duration of your erections. 

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy

PRP Penile Shot

Tri-mix and

Other Medical Interventions

ESWT ED Treatment

We use specialized medical equipment to deliver carefully administrated shockwaves to trigger cellular repair.  

P-Shot for ED

Your body’s own natural healing and cellular regeneration abilities can add length, girth, and erectile performance. 

Specially formulated and dosed prescription medication to cause and maintain a full erection.

Medical interventions are available to help men restore erectile performance and sexual health. 

Medically Assisted Weight Loss

Partner with our incredible team of weight loss experts.  If you need assistance losing an extra 15-30 pounds, Restorative Health Men’s Clinic may have just the right treatment options for you. 

We offer a full complement of weight loss packages – including semaglutide. 

Weight Loss Semaglutide

Science Behind Our Methods