The Restorative Health Online Hormone Test

Welcome to the Free Online Hormone Test

by Restorative Health


Online Hormone Test


Online Hormone Test

Restorative Health is proud to offer the Online Hormone Test as a way to help you determine if bioidentical hormone replacement therapy – or any other available treatment option – could help you find relief. 

Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

Have you noticed that you don’t have as much energy?  Have you lost interest in things that used to get you excited?  Have people been commenting that you seem irritable and tired?

Noticing an increase in weight gain? Especially around that midsection?

Just don’t feel like you anymore?  You’re not alone. That’s why Restorative Health created the Online Hormone Test.

You Might Have a Hormonal Imbalance!



  1. Fatigue 
  2. Loss of Muscle Tone
  3. Mental Fog
  4. Joint Pain
  5. Decreased Sexual Interest
  6. Decline in Confidence
  7. Depression
  8. Anxiety
  9. Sexual / Erectile Dysfunction 
  10. Many more symptoms
  1. Hot Flashes
  2. Night Sweats
  3. Bloating
  4. Vaginal Dryness
  5. Painful Intercourse
  6. Irritability 
  7. Hair Loss
  8. Less Energy 
  9. Mood Swings
  10. Many more symptoms 

Do you remember how you felt 10 years ago?  Are you ready to get back to your old self?  Restorative Health has good news.  There is hope.  

Please, take the Online Hormone Test.  Let our experts review the symptoms that are most concerning to you.  Take the first step toward feeling better, looking better, and living better. 

More About Hormones

Over 400 Functions in the body (for men and women):

  • Increases metabolic rate
  • Regulates body temperature
  • Improves sleep
  • Helps maintain muscle
  • Increases blood flow
  • Improves mood
  • Helps maintain memory

Important and often overlooked hormone that helps regulate important functions:

  • Helps balance estrogen
  • Natural calming effect
  • Increases scalp hair
  • Natural antidepressant 
  • Improves libido
  • Promotes immunity


Balancing this hormone is not just for men.  Women benefit from testosterone too.

  • Increases sense of emotional well-being
  • Improves mental clarity
  • Improves energy / vitality
  • Helps with low self-esteem
  • Increases libido
  • Helps skin from sagging

Why Do Hormone Levels Decrease?

Hormonal decline can be caused by a number of factors.  We inherit some traits genetically.  Social factors (such as stress) can also accelerate the decline.  At Restorative Health, our Board Certified Providers conduct a comprehensive review with each new patient to help identify potential causes.  We will also work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan to help you meet your goals.

Can Men and Women
use the Online Hormone Test?

Absolutely – Restorative Health helps men and women of all ages overcome their issues with hormonal imbalance. 


Our youngest patients are in their mid 20s while our oldest are in their 80s. 

Men Experience Hormonal Imbalance

Ready to take the Online Hormone Test?


Online Hormone Test


Online Hormone Test

Restorative Health offers a number of treatment options.  At a no-cost consultation, we will review available treatments and discuss what works best for you.  

Our most common treatment option is pellet therapy.  This treatment option allows our providers to provide a constant and ideal dosage that stabilizes over time – without the peaks of other methods.

Click to learn more about bioidentical pellet therapy.


Where is Restorative Health Located?

Restorative Health has locations in Georgia, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Ohio.  Our dedicated team of hormone experts provide hormone health to patients in Omaha, Kansas City, Omaha, North Gwinnett, Overland Park, Columbus, Dublin, St Louis, and surrounding areas. 

Restorative Health's Online Hormone Test is not a medical diagnostics tool.  While results are based on the advice of our medical staff, the "test's" primary purpose is to deliver the best available treatment options to you in a timely manner.  While we take reasonable precautions to protect your information, we encourage you to discuss medical information you wish to keep confidential with our providers via telephone or in-office visits. Answering each question in the Online Hormone Test should be based on the symptoms which would most concern you.  This system is not designed as a medical intake form, and should not be used as such. Your submission may not be reviewed by a licensed provider on an individual basis. Online Hormone Test results are based on symptom matching across the broad range of symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance. Submissions may be anonymized and used by Restorative Health to improve the quality of our services and marketing materials.  You may schedule a consultation without using the Online Hormone Test and are encouraged to do so. Submission of any inquiry on this site should not be viewed as developing a patient-provider relationship, but is a request for more information.