Find out what real patients are saying about their experiences with Restorative Health in real reviews.
We take our reputation seriously. That’s why we seek patient reviews regularly – to learn what we can do better.
More than 9-in-10 patients report satisfaction in getting help from Restorative Health in achieving their goals.
We pride ourselves on being a leader in delivering excellent care and treatment. We think that’s why over 92% of our patients report a willingness to refer friends or family.
Discover what some Restorative Health patients have said in their reviews. These are real reviews from real patients – not paid endorsements.
We care about our patients and welcome feedback.
Schedule a hormone consultation today. There’s no cost to get started.
Have you taken our Online Hormone Test yet? Let one of our team members review the symptoms of hormonal balance that most concern you. We will work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan.